Abracadabra! If you haven’t checked out the Chicago Magic Lounge, you need to head there faster than you can pull a rabbit from a hat. With some of the city’s most talented entertainers, this Andersonville hotspot boasts one-of-a-kind tricks, an impressive ambience, and a night of fun you won’t want to miss. And hey – who doesn’t love a fun-filled night of entertainment?
One-of-a-Kind Digs
If the word “magic” only brings to mind images of top hats and white rabbits. Rouse curiosity with an experience that’s sure to challenge all previous assumptions! Walk down Clark Street and you may just pass the entrance, an unassuming laundromat designed to blend into the area. But just beyond the illusion lies a theater that’s unlike anything you’ll find elsewhere in the world. Constructed for magic and magic alone.
Surprise Around Every Corner
As a part of the show as the show itself, the deco-style lounge at Chicago Magic Lounge transports you back in time. Warm hues and vintage artwork from magic’s golden age invite the eye to wander as you pass from one room to the next. Traveling from the cabaret to the Close-Up Gallery to the cocktail bar and back again. Pro tip: Stumble into the bathroom for a trick of the eye your Instagram won’t want to miss.
History Come to Life
The visual appeal of every thoughtful detail ingrained into this space is nothing without the history that inspired it. Chicago-style magic dates back to the early 1900s! When Matt Schulien first began entertaining patrons of his father’s restaurant with close-up sleight of hand. Fast-paced and personality-driven, the magicians of Chicago Magic Lounge breathe new life into performances no longer forgotten and consistently deliver on authentic entertainment for adults of all ages.